
My Week in Michigan (Friday, Jun. 14, 2002 - 12:04 a.m.)

Hi, miss me? I haven't updated because I've been at my dad's for the last week and he has one of those oh-so-fun computers that records every page you've visited.

I have so many topics today and could write several entries, but I'll condense for your reading pleasure.

I was in Michigan for my ten year high school reunion. About half the people look exactly the same and half look way older than 28. I got to reconnect with my friend Holly, who I was close with in middle school and exchanged maybe three words with in high school. Neither of us is quite sure why this happened. Anyhow, most of the snobby people were actually very nice, but there was one small group that mainly stuck together. I'm glad I went.

The other day I was with Dad, Cindi, and Cindi's mom at a local deli, when who should I see but Pete's stepmother and half sister. WTF? They don't even live around there. Apparently they were in town to see some Jesus statue or something. I like them and was glad I got a chance to see them, but it was a bit dissettling. Had it been his real mom, I'd have had issues left and right.

Cindi is starting a cult. She has this adorable miniature spaniel that even my dad (Get that filthy ANIMAL away from me) is absolutely gaga over. Anyhow, these dogs are the accessory du jour now (hers has several collars and leashes so as to match Cindi's outfits) and so absolutely everyone is getting one. So Cindi's starting a club where all these middle aged women and their tiny dogs get together and walk around town. I make fun, but I had a very hard time leaving and NOT stealing the dog.

And of course, no week with Dad would be complete without aquiring some new Dad Facts. The one that pissed the hell out of me is so bad I don't even want to write it. I must keep in mind that this is a Dad Fact, and that he also predicted other bizarre things that of course never happened. But he told me that somebody I love and care for very much is destined to commit suicide one day. I'm not going to say who it is, because it's too terrible. It was really upsetting, but I need to vent. I don't think it will happen. I think he's just off on another tangent.

To lighten up before I go, I'll leave you with a more humerous Dad Fact. This conversation took place over breakfast this morning (and no, we were not eating strawberries or any other kind of fruit)

Dad: Did I mention I found more proof that G-d exists?

Chasha: Um, no...What?

Dad: Strawberries. (Satisfied with this information, he goes back to his meal).

Chasha: Could you elaborate?

Dad: Well when there are cherries, birds eat them. Apples get eaten by worms, and then the worms get eaten by birds. But strawberries are pretty, and they're on the ground, and only people pick and eat them.

Yeah. I tried to mention rabbits and gophers, but he looked absolutely crestfallen so I agreed with him.

Then, as I was leaving, Cindi tried to feel me up. She found this hilarious.

Oh, and before I forget to mention it, the dog has this little hut built in the back yard with a grassy area inside, as well as stones. This is called the Pisheree. And after she craps, Cindi washes off her butt.

I swear to Gawd my family used to be a lot closer to normal.


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