
Dad Facts (2001-04-22 - 6:32 p.m.)

Wow, I was reading through my old entries. One thing that caught me was an entry called The Cast pt. 1. I came up with all sorts of nicknames for the people in my life so I could write about them without revealing their names, and I have never once used them. They are cheesy now, and I would probably have to look up who was who. Also, I called it part one. There hasn't been a part two. I don't expect there to be a part two. Ever.

I just write about people as they affect my life. I don't name names because I don't know who reads this. I don't use my common name, although I think SOMEONE in diaryland who knows me has outed me on more than one occasion. I feel a lot more freedom in what I write when I can be anonymous. True, I only know one other person in the world whose hebrew name is Chasha, but so few people know that about me that I don't see it ever being a problem. I guess my main concern is that since I work with teens and a large segment of the diaryland population is teens, that one of them will find my diary and recognize me. That is why I don't give details like names or the name of the town I work in.

On a completely unrelated note, I just had a most enlightning conversation with my father. Now, I must tell you, nearly any conversation with him is informative. There are volumes of facts that nobody but him know, mostly because a lot of them only exist in his head. It would be nice to try to put together a book of Facts I learned from Dad.

I would have to start with the DF (Dad Fact) that people in the South lie. Yes. When I was in highschool, I recieved a brochure from Tulane University in New Orleans. It was a good school, and it actually sent me information based on my test scores. It looked like a gorgeous campus, and plus everything I had heard said it was an excellent school. I had about a 2.3 grade point average in high school. A school like that would have been a dream come true. But no. I was forbidden to apply. My dad's reason: "You don't want to go to a college in the South. Southerners lie. They tell you they'll consider your offer and then never call you back." Never mind that this was probably one person. Never mind that Dad has gone through phases in his own life where he wouldn't have known the honest truth if it bit him in the ass. But it was a Dad Fact to go down in the book of Dad Facts.

Anyhow, the lastest Dad Fact is another reason why I shouldn't have a baby. See I'm a woman (he actually said girl). I am biologically programmed to parent. Men, however are only programmed to have sex and it is highly unnatural for them to stick around afterwords. (Can't accuse him of being a hopeless romanitic). Therefore, I would be violating my Pete's very nature if I pressure him into fatherhood.

Oh, and also (another DF), my husband is very depressed. This is known because when we went to dinner at Aliotos (September 1996) he was staring out the window and not talking. So he must be deeply depressed. Has this happened since then? No. But still, it happened that one time. If he wasn't allergic to alcohol he would be an alcoholic and drug addict now.

As for me, I gained all this weight by drinking too much beer. Even light beer is empty calories, and if I would just cut back, I would lose the weight. Now, I've tried beer four or five times in my life, usually resulting in me spitting it out into a napkin. I never realized a couple of sips could cause such a weight gain.

My step father is not very bright. Dad knows this because he uses improper language, such as saying "Y'all" (he's from Atlanta). Also, that accent. My dad has no other information to back up this claim. When I mentioned that his daughter was at Cal Tech, my dad was shocked. He has never even met this person.

Oh, and his brother's wife is a horrible horrible person. He's never really explained why.

I know there's more, but this is all I can remember off the top of my head. Quarters, do you have any to add?


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