
Life Map part 2 (2000-12-09 - 21:51:52)

So here goes.

Age 0 (duh): I was born.

Age 1: all the basic firsts, walking, talking, first hit of pot (I'm not kidding about this), Oh, and we moved from the city of Detroit out to the 'burbs. No, I don't actually remember any of this.

Age 2: I was scratched by a cat at daycare. This is my earliest actual memory. You'd think I would not be an animal person now, but you'd be wrong.

Also, the Lucy obsession (more another time) starts with a haloween costume.

Age 3: my brother ( was born. I went to stay with my grandparents in Pittsburgh for a very very very long time. My parents were in Asia. I have no idea where my brother was.

Also at 3, rode a horse for the first time.

Age 4: Learned to ride a bike

Age 5: Started kidnergarten. Started therapy.

Age 6: Moved into the fugliest house I have ever seen in my life. Met nasty nasty neighbor people who taught me all the fun swear words. Started riding the school bus. Learned to read (something I LOVE) and learned to swim (I think I was six).

Age 7: learned to ski 'like wonder woman'.

Age 8: got a really really bad haircut. I don't really remember this, but my family made sure to take plenty of pictures. I cringe even now.

Also started riding lessons.

Age 9: Started hebrew school. Descended to least popular girl in my class at school. Joined a swim team. Met a friend who I still talk to today.

Age 10: Was in 5th grade-twice. My grandfather on my mom's side died. My parent's seemed to be fighting all the time.

Age 11: Went away to the summer camp that changed my life for the first time. Started a fancy shmancy private school. Mom went back to work.

Age 12: Met three more of my current friends. Had my first 'boyfriend'. The best little puppy in the world came into my life.

Age 13: Bat Mitzvah, died my hair that orange that only sun-in will produce, parents separated, first cigarette.

Age 14: Became an obnoxious and jaded person, somewhat still am.

Age 15: First time being intoxicated (unfortunatly in front of my whole family who didn't seem to notice. Found a cat. Got vomited on by the date from hell. Left camp for the last time.

Age 16: totaled my brand new car the first day I had my license. Met my sweetie pie. Moved again. parent's divorce became final, other fun things involving cars, got the worst grades of my life.

Age 17: Somebody got a case of temporary insanity and broke up with me for eight months. Dad moved. I actually got the only grades in highschool to actually help with college, went away for the summer to a certain university in upstate NY where I got to live for six weeks in a dorm with three amateur prostitutes and a view of a building that was in the shape of a toilet. I don't think this was intentional.

Age 18: Mom changed jobs,I was applying to college. Needless to say, there was much blood shed. I went over two months not having a single day off from either school or work, I graduated highschool, got engaged 8 days later (not that my family believed us at that time) and moved to Arizona, where I met most of the people who are now nearst and dearest to my heart.

Age 19: Got good grades. No I am not lying. Got my first apartment with my sweetie pie honey bunch.

Age 20: Developed Asthma. Had the last cigarette for 4 years and 10 months. Was posessed by demon spirits to dye my hair black, which was supposed to wash out in 21-28 shampoos, but in actuality lasted until I cut it off a year and a half later.

Age 21: Jumped out of a perfectly good airplane. I highly recomend it to all who don't have panic disorders.

Age 22: Graduated college, got married, moved to NorCal, started grad school.

Age 23: Started working as a therapist

Age 24: My mom died. The next several months are very hazy. I do remember buying the house at some point. Also became much more involved spiritually.

Age 25: The dog and the cat I had since childhood died within three months of one another. I got my masters

Age 26: started work at this current job. Learned to read Tarot cards. Biological clock started going haywire.

Age 27: Well, geez, it's only been two months. Maybe I'll have some major, good thing happen this year. Or maybe not.

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